贝米吉州立大学 policy on acceptable use of computers and technology states computer and information technology resources are essential tools in accomplishing the university mission.

These resources must be used and managed responsibly to ensure their availability for the competing demands of teaching, 奖学金, 行政和其他与任务有关的用途.

该政策进一步指出,作为大学社区负责任的成员, individuals using information technology resources are expected to act in accord with general principles based on the acceptable law as well as common sense, 适用于网络计算环境的普通礼仪和文明. The university encourages the use of information technology as an effective and efficient tool within the framework of applicable state and federal laws, 政策和规则以及其他必要的限制.


本政策适用于大学资讯科技资源, 在位于, 供在校大学生使用, 管理员, 教师, 其他员工和其他授权用户. Access to and the responsible use of modern information resources is a privilege and is essential to the pursuit and achievement of excellence at BSU.

The university encourages appropriate use of technology to enhance productivity through the efficient exchange of information for intended uses of the university mission. 本政策的任何内容不得被解释为扩大, 削弱或改变学术自由, 根据MnSCU董事会政策和大学集体谈判单位阐述. 这些资源的使用必须符合这些目标.

贝米吉州立大学 and 明尼苏达州 Colleges and Universities are not responsible for any personal or unauthorized use of resources, 在其信息技术资源上传输数据的安全性无法保证.


安全措施意味着流程, 软件和硬件由大学和网络管理员使用,以保护机密性, integrity and availability of the computer resources and data owned by the university or its authorized 用户. 安全措施可能包括, 但不限于, monitoring or reviewing individual user accounts for suspected policy violations and investigating security-related issues.

大学信息技术是指大学的所有设施, 用于信息处理的技术和信息资源, 转移, 存储与通信. 这包括, 但不限于, 计算机硬件和软件, 计算机实验室, classroom technologies such as computer-based instructional management systems and computing and electronic communications devices and services, 比如调制解调器, 电子邮件, 网络, 电话, 语音信箱, 传真传输, video, 移动计算设备和多媒体材料.

Transmit的意思是发送, 商店, 收集, 转让或以其他方式改变或影响信息技术资源或其中包含的数据.

使用者指任何个人, 包括, 但不限于, 学生, 管理员, 教师, 其他员工, 志愿者和其他授权个人以任何方式使用大学信息技术, whether or not the user is affiliated with 贝米吉州立大学 and 明尼苏达州 Colleges and Universities.



  1. 用户必须遵守法律法规, MnSCU董事会政策和大学程序, 适用于其特定用途的合同和许可. 这包括, 但不限于:诽谤法, 数据隐私, 版权, 商标, 赌博, obscenity and child pornography; the federal Electronic Communications 隐私 Act and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, which prohibit “hacking” and similar activities; state computer crime statutes; applicable conduct codes, 包括MnSCU系统程序1C.0.1, Employee Code of Conduct; applicable software licenses; and Board 政策 1B.1、禁止歧视和骚扰.2, prohibiting fraudulent or other dishonest acts; and 3.26、新葡京博彩官网知识产权. 非法下载或分发受版权保护的材料(包括但不限于软件), data, 音乐和视频)通过任何方式, 违反了联邦法律. 大学/学院有义务在收到“停止和终止”通知后立即采取行动, 或发现有侵犯版权的行为. 在某些情况下, 流媒体 内容可能被视为“下载”.”
  2. 用户对其个人使用的内容负责 使用大学信息技术,并可能因使用该信息而承担责任.
  3. 用户必须只使用他们被授权使用的大学信息技术 并且只能以授权的方式和范围使用它们. 获取信息技术资源的能力本身并不意味着获得这样做的授权. Wired or wireless routers and access points that are not managed or maintained by BSU or NTC 资讯科技服务 are not allowed on the University/College network. 学生只允许使用非管理的“简单”交换机.
  4. 用户必须遵守安全限制 所有已获授权访问的信息技术系统和信息.
  5. 用户不得允许 其他未获授权者:
    1. 使用学校分配给他人的任何账号或密码;
    2. 共享任何帐户或密码, 由大学分配给用户, 与任何其他个人, 包括家庭成员;
    3. 允许他人在用户的控制下使用大学信息技术.
  6. 用户不得规避, 试图绕过或协助他人绕过安全控制 妥善保护大学资讯科技储存资料的私隐及完整性.
  7. 用户不得涂改、隐匿或伪造身份证件 使用大学信息技术的人,包括但不限于使用电子邮件.
  8. 用户不得故意下载或安装软件 onto university information technology unless allowed under applicable procedures or prior authorization has been received.
  9. 用户不得从事干扰或破坏网络的活动 用户, equipment or service; intentionally distribute viruses, 蠕虫, Trojans or other malicious code; or install software or hardware that permits unauthorized access to university information technology.
  10. 用户不得从事不当使用,包括:
    1. 违反州或联邦法律法规的活动;
    2. 赌博或打赌;
    3. 骚扰、威胁或诽谤他人、跟踪和/或非法歧视;
    4. 筹款, 私人商业或商业活动, 除非它与大学或其学院和大学的使命有关. 与任务相关的活动由学院决定, 大学或大学办公室, 并包括授权校园或大学主办组织的活动;
    5. 存储, 显示, transmission or intentional or solicited receipt of material that is or may be reasonably regarded as obscene, 露骨或色情, 包括任何描述, 照片, 录音, 视频或文字, except as such access relates to the academic pursuits of a university student or professional activities of a university employee; and
    6. “滥发垃圾邮件”,即广泛散布未经索取及未经授权的电子邮件讯息.
  11. 所有用户都应该这样做 遵守学校所有系统的安全限制 以及你能接触到的信息. 禁止干扰或破坏网络用户、设备或服务的活动.
  12. 所有被发现滥用电脑设施的用户, 或未经许可使用设备或将设备用于非学术用途, 娱乐用途或复制受版权保护的软件将受到纪律处分.
  13. 执行
    1. Conduct that involves the use of university information technology resources to violate a university policy or procedure, 违反州或联邦法律或侵犯他人权利, is a serious abuse subject to limitation or termination of user privileges and appropriate disciplinary action, 采取法律行动, 或两个.
      1. 贝米吉州立大学 reserves the right to temporarily restrict or prohibit use of its university information technology by any user without notice, 如果确定为商业目的所必需.
      2. Repeat violations of 版权 laws 贝米吉州立大学 may permanently deny use of university information technology by any individual determined to be a repeat violator of 版权 or other laws governing Internet use.
      3. 对涉嫌违规行为的纪律处分程序应通过适用的大学程序进行处理, 包括但不限于大学程序1B.1.1, to address allegations of illegal discrimination and harassment; student conduct code for other allegations against 学生; or the applicable 收集ive bargaining agreement or personnel plan for other allegations involving employees. 继续使用大学信息技术是一项受限制的特权, 修改或终止.
      4. Sanctions-Willful or intentional violations of this procedure are considered to be misconduct under applicable student and employee conduct standards. Users who violate this procedure may be denied access to university information technology and may be subject to other penalties and disciplinary action, 无论是校内还是校外. Discipline for violations of this procedure may include any action up to and 包括 termination or expulsion.
        1. First offense: Students will receive a warning that their activities may be in violation of this Technology 政策 and/or the Student Code of Conduct, 并意识到如果继续违反政策,未来可能的后果或处罚.
        2. 第二次违规:网络服务将被关闭四十八(48)小时, 该学生将被转介到大学/学院的行为系统. 随后发现违反学生行为准则的学生可能会受到制裁, 直至并包括被大学/学院开除.
        3. Network service will be disabled indefinitely 该学生将被转介到大学/学院的行为系统. 随后发现违反学生行为准则的学生可能会受到制裁, 最高或包括被大学/学院开除.
      5. 在适当情况下, 贝米吉州立大学 may refer suspected violations of law to appropriate law enforcement authorities and provide access to investigative or other data as permitted by law.


Access to and the responsible use of modern information resources is essential to the pursuit and achievement of excellence at BSU. The university encourages appropriate use of technology to enhance productivity through the efficient exchange of information for research. 这些资源的使用必须符合这些目标.
